Our story.

Keys to the Kingdom was born during a pandemic in 2020. When I started to serve our family in the community,  I was sowing a seed for my brother living in the streets. I was always concerned and wondering how he was surviving in the pandemic. I always thought, how does he get food, water, or essentials? So, at that moment, I felt in my spirit to start blessing our brothers and sisters out in the streets; I felt that if I was helping others and planting seeds, I knew that my heavenly father was also providing for my brother. So, I started with 20 boxes of pizza and water. We went down by Lancaster in Fort Worth and started giving a hot meal, and at that moment, I realized there was so much need for our community. So I kept going weekly, and little did I know that the Lord was preparing me for a new season in my life. After serving for weeks in The Lancaster area, the Lord opened the first door for me to partner up and serve with a beautiful ministry called "Freedom in Worship.” we were able to continue serving and helping more in the community and being the hands and the feet of Jesus, giving hope and, showing love "Freedom in Worship" has been such a blessing for Keys to the Kingdom; being able to do Ministry with them has indeed been so impactful for our Ministry, we are beyond grateful for them for seeing our genuine hearts for helping people in need.

I never dreamed or imagined that the Lord would call me to run a nonprofit. I had no desire or interest, but I heard, listened, and obeyed the Lord and said, “YES,” and he has been providing and leading me these last two years. I’m no one special, but the opportunities are endless when you fully surrender to the Lord. I am so humbled and honored that the Lord has entrusted me with this Ministry; all glory to God. 

Meet Cal and Daphne


Meet Vanessa Romero (President) and her son Abraham

Meet Laura Perez (food officer) and her son Geo